Cat Hope has been making sound installations for over 20 years. These have been shown at the San Francisco Museum of Art, the Perth Institute of Art, Titank Gallery, Finland, Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallin, Kerb Gallery and Linden New Art Gallery.
These installations range from graphic scores installed and performed in Galleries, to stand alone 3D sound installations, performance installations and large scale collaborations with visual artists.
Sound Installations
Subdecorative Sequences I-IV (2019). Sound Installation. [animated score] [vocal performance], [harp performance]. Linden New Art Gallery, Melbourne.
The End of Abe Sada (2014). Sound Installation, [animated score] [orchestral performance] [string trio performance], [Book]. Premiered at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art as part of the What I see When I Look at Sound exhibition.
Sounds of Decay (2013). Sound Installation. Premiered at SemiPermeable at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, as part of the International Symposium of Electronic Art. Made in collaboration with Rob Muir, as part of an artist residency at SymbioticA lab.
Amp Stack (2011-2014). Sculptural sound work for 5-10 active bass amplifiers, bass guitars and effect pedals.
Ruined Speaker Project (Ongoing). Experimental Sound Installation.
Drive (2002) and Tremor (2009). Sound Installations. Drive – a collaboration with Karl Ford – premiered at the ‘Peeping Death’ exhibition at the 2002 Artrage Festival. Tremor was exhibited at RMIT Project Space.
Pick Pocket (2005). Sound Installation. Commissioned as part of research project for the Biennale Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP) in 2004 and first exhibited at the John Curtin Gallery at Curtin University in Western Australia as part of the Perth International Arts Festival in 2005.
Sounds of Decay (2013). Photo by Brad Serls.
Collaborative Visual Art Installations
The Past is Singing in Our Teeth (2017). With Kate McMillan. Two channel video, four channel sound, textiles and objects.
Moments of Disappearance (2014). With Kate McMillan. 5 channel HD film, six channel sound, sculpture.
Islands of Incarcerations (2010). With Kate McMillan. Site-specific installation on Cockatoo Island.
Lost (2008). With Kate McMillan. Installation and five framed photographs (varying sizes/titles).
The Past is Singing in Our Teeth (2017). Louise Devenish performing the premiere of the work in Berlin, December 2017. Photo by Lesley Ranzoni.
Performance Installations
Plug (2006). Sound Installation and Performance Artwork. Premiered at the ‘you are here…entangle’ sound exhibition at the Moores Building as part of the 2006 Totally Huge New Music Festival.
Voyuerages (2004-2006). Performance Installation. Premiered as a commissioned work for the National Review of Live Art, Midland Railway Workshops.
Unravelled (2003). Performance Artwork with video and score. Premiered as part of the performance season Tic(k), at The Blue Room Theatre.
D.A.C.S (2002). Digital Audio Control Skirt – an integrated garment and projection screen. Funded by the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts Research and Development Fund.
The Other Velvet (1999). Scored work for musician and dancer. Premiered at the Putting On An Act performance festival, at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art.