“Australia’s most exciting composer”
Cat Hope is a award winning Australian composer who focuses on the extremes of sound – from extreme noise to barely audible delicacy. Her works have been performed world wide by ensembles such as Yarn Wire (US), Hanatsu Miror (Fr), the BBC Scottish Symphony (UK), KNM (DE) and Norbotten Neo (Sweden). Recordings of her works are published internationally on labels such as Hat (Hut) Art, with her monograph CD Ephemeral Rivers winning the German Critics Prize in 2017. Her music has been discussed in books such as Score Writing (Thor Magnusson, 2019) and Hidden Alliances (Schimmana, 2019), as well as periodicals such as The Wire (UK), Revue & Corrigée (FR), Neu Zeitschrift Fur Musik Shaft (DE) and Gramophone (UK), who named her “one of Australia’s most exciting and individual creative voices.” She creates sound for art installation and film - working with Kate McMillian, Erin Coates, Tracey Moffat and Perun Bonser. Cat is a represented composer with the Australian Music Centre, and her music is published by Material Press. Her first opera, Speechless, won the Best New Dramatic work in the 2020 Art Music Awards.
Upcoming (and recent) performances here.
“dense yet airy, seemingly endless streams of sound ...exquisite listening pleasure of fleeting descending sound streams”
Most of Cat’s works use animated notation, and are read from a video file or on an iPad with the Decibel ScorePlayer app. Each piece listed below includes a link to a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that points to repository of all materials relating to the piece, including the score file needed for the iPad (which has the extension .dsz) as well as program notes and performance instructions (also built into the .dsz file). Beside each piece title there are also links to a live recording, a video of the score, and any published recordings that are available. You are always welcome to contact the composer if you have any queries.
“turbine beats in deep harmony (where) rhythm and melody is a function of breath and bow ”
Cat Hope: Decibel. Ezz-thetics LC 91771 by Hat Hut, Switzerland (2022)
Kaps Freed on Works for Travelling Pianos, CD, performed by Gabriella Smart, Ezz-thetics 1012 (2020)
The Sinister Glamour of Modernity, on Australia: East and West, CD, Wirripang, (2020)
Her Pockets Full of Intertia, on Other Voices, CD, Fluteworthy, 2019
Dark Hip Falls on Hear, Now, Here performed by Monash Art Ensemble, CD FMR (2019)
The Earth Defeats Me and Last Days of Reality on Last Days of Reality, CD, performed by Decibel Room 40, RM4102. (2018). Read a review.
Tone Being on Music For Percussion and Electronics, CD, performed by Louise Devenish. Tall Poppies TP428 (2017)
Ephemeral Rivers. hat[now]ART 200: Switzerland. CD. (2017). Read a review.
The Lowest Drawer, Decibel, on Tuned Darker, LP, Listen|Hear: Perth LP. (2015)
Platinum Fox, on Luminosity: Musical Treasures from UWA. University of WA (AUS). CD. (2013)
Longing on Decibel, Stasis Ecstatic. Heartless Robot Productions, LP. (2014)
Candied Limbs, Sub Project 54, with Lindsay Vickery. Tura Records, CD. (2013)
In The Cut, Kuklinski’s Dream on Decibel, Disintegration: Mutation. HellosQare Records, CD. (2010)
Abe Sada, Redux, Heartless Robot LP. (2009)
Abe Sada, The Low Chord, Kabutsuri Tape International, CD. (2009)
Abe Sada, Tatare Steppe, VLZ Produkt, CD. (2008)
Abe Sada, Subzilla, Bloodstar, (Aus), CD. (2007)
Gata Negra, Ruby, Bloodstar (Aus), LP. (2007)
Lux Mammoth, New Gauge Sinner, Pre Feed label (Italy), CD. (2007)
The Dark Hip Falls
Solo (or with electronics)
Les Serpents. For Bass Flute and partition concrete by Lionel Marchetti. (2022)
The Long Now II. For bass flute and subtone. (2022). [DOI: 10.26180/19068227]
The Long Now. For bass trombone and subtone. (2021). [DOI: 10.26180/19068227]
Wanderlust. For solo or duo and self made field recording.[2018). [buy CD/digital copy] [DOI: 10.26180/5d7b0ce417bb5]
Kaps Freed. For piano and live electronics. (2017) [DOI: 10.4225/03/59f736cfd58c8] [animated score] [recording] [Buy CD]
Black Tide. For double bell trumpet, subtone and electronic playback. (2017) [DOI: 10.4225/03/59f7341c81c5d] [animated score] [recording]
Tone Being. For tam tam and subtone. (2016) [DOI: 10.26180/5cda0c5c12ac6] [animated score] [video] [listen] [Buy CD]
Shadow of Mill. For cello and subtone. (2017-2018) [DOI: 0.26180/5cda5cdaa569f] [animated score] [buy CD/digital copy]
Dynamic Architecture I. For double bass and subtone transducer. (2015) [DOI:10.26180/5cda0c33b2428] [animated score] [recording] [buy CD]
Broken Approach. For bass drum kit. (2014) [DOI: 10.26180/5cda133d3f644] [animated score] [recording] [live performance video] [buy CD]
Tension Lines. For harp and electronics. (2015) [DOI:10.26180/5cda17f07148c] [recording]
Lupara Bianca. For viola/voice and playback (2014 rev 2019) [animated score]{DOI: 10.26180/13725583]
The Painted Bird. For harp [2015 rev 2021] [DOI:10.26180/13718218.v1]
Fourth Estate. For piano and electronics. (2014) [DOI: 10.26180/5cda1913cc13b][animated score] [recording] [performance video]
Signals Directorate. For bass clarinet (with or without any other instruments) and playback. (2014) [DOI: 10.26180/5cda1a6d0a42b] [animated score] [recording] [Buy CD]
Chunk. For Disklavier and grand piano (Max MSP patch required). (2010) [DOI:10.26180/5cda1bd41b1a8] [animated score] [buy CD/digital copy]
Their Lives are Stripped of Meaning
The Quiet Friend. For piano, percussion and subtone (2023). [DOI: 10.26180/22202929.v1]
Human Cathedral. For one or two bass guitars and subtone (2019) [DOI:10.26180/5e1e801746c3a] [animated score] [recording]
The Last Days of Reality. For bass flute, tam tam and partition concréte by Lionel Marchetti.(2018) [DOI:10.4225/03/5af6bdc02f2c3] [animated score] [recording] [music video] [Buy CD]
Their Lives are Stripped of Meaning. For instrument, voice and electronics. (2018) [DOI:10.26180/5c5d8ce4a2e59] [animated score] [recording]
Shadow. For string duo and subtone. (2016) [DOI:10.26180/8123585.v2] [animated score] [recording]
Great White. For sustaining instrument duo and electronics. (2016) [DOI:10.26180/5cda6157940a] [animated score]
Sub Aerial. For percussion duo. (2015) [DOI: 10.26180/5cda650b7044b] [animated score] [recording]
The Earth Defeats Me. For two sustaining instruments and partition concréte by Lionel Marchetti. (2014) [DOI: 10.26180/5cda6656aa7b0] [animated score] [recording] [buy CD]
The Sinister Glamour of Modernity. For viola and piano. (2013) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdb6a1d90692] [recording] [video]
Stella Degradation. For 2 instruments. (2012) [animated score] [recording]
Human Cathedral
Through Polarities Our Life In Pieces. For sub contra bass flute, percussion and electronics [2022] [live performance]
Muska Landay. For tam tam, cello, speaking voice with a.m. radio [2021] [DOI: 10.26180/19068305] [recording] [live performance]
Black Vulture. For electric harp, synthesiser and electric bass [2019] [DOI: 10.26180/5e2abfd9cf90d] [animated score]
Our House is On Fire. For ruined toy piano, percussion and bass. [2019] [DOI: 10.26180/5d78fee2c9ea8] [animated score] [live performance] [recording]
The Lowest Drawer. For cello or double bass, bass clarinet, bass flute and electronics. (2013) [DOI: [animated score][recording] [music video] [BuyLP]
Black Disciples. For 3 low voices. (2013) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdcd23511943] [animated score] [recording]
Kuklinski’s Dream. For 3 carving knives, three instruments and electronics. (2010) ;DOI: 10.26180/5cdcd418894a1] [animated score] [recording] [buy CD]
Majority of One
Small Ensemble
Zal (2024). For 2 double basses and 2 sine tone generators [2024] [live recording] [DOI: 10.26180/27157314]
Voluminum. For concert organ, guitar, bass, harp and percussion. [2023] [live video][DOI: 10.26180/24946263]
Landay Sequenza. For voice, harp, flute, viola, double bass and percussion. [2023] [recording] [DOI: 10.26180/20363409.v2]
The Drift. For four piece telematic ensemble and wearables. [2022] [performance video] [DOI: 10.26180/24136110.v1]
Nomadic Subjects. For telematic ensemble and latency, with subtone. (2020) [DOI: 10.26180/5f2bbf166a3aa] [animated score]
I’ll Be Your Body Instrument. For four part voice choir, two percussionists and subtone [DOI:10.26180/5e2acb6e423b1] [animated score]
The Dark Hip Falls. For theremin, three strings, piano, percussion and electronics. (2019) [DOI: 10.26180/5cfee98f15396] [animated score] [BuyCD]
SubDecorative Sequences. For sustaining instruments and subtone. (2019)[DOI:10.26180/5d7844c902b34] [animated score] [recording]
U Mangibeddu Nostru. For three strings, electric guitar, organ, cor anglais or bass clarinet, percussion and turntable. (2018) [DOI:10.26180/5cdde5f2becc4] [animated score] [recording]
The Aesthetics of Disappearance. For electric lapsteel, organ, 2 low strings, percussion and subtone (2018) [DOI: 10.26180/5f323c55322fc] [animated score] [live recording] [album]
The Dying Pillow (aka Smoothing the Pillow of Dying Race). For 12 cymbals (four players). (2015) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdde6fd8dfd9] [animated score]
Wall Drawing. For string quartet, Theremin and electronics. (2014) [DOI:10.26180/5cdde9bd59585] [animated score] [recording]
Sogno 102. For 2 low winds, 2 low strings, piano and electronics. (2013) [DOI:10.26180/5ce34fa60b7eb] [animated score] [recording] [buy CD]
Miss Fortune X. For 2 strings, a.m. radio, percussion and piano. (2012) [DOI:10.26180/5ce35101ae473] [animated score] [recording] [buy CD]
Stella Degradation. For 5 instruments. (2012) [animated score] [recording]
Juanita Neilson. For 2 violas and 2 cellos, electric guitar and piano. (2012) [DOI: 10.26180/5ce3526bc2c6b] [animated score] [buy CD/digital copy]
Black Eels. For 2 turntables, 2 flutes, electric guitar, snare drum and piano. (2012) [DOI: 10.26180/5ce3534d4e395] [animated score] [animated score with recording]
Platinum Fox. For three low strings, brass and percussion. (2012) [DOI: 10.26180/5ce35676dbdf5] [animated score] [recording] [Buy CD]
Cruel and Usual. For string quartet and bass amplifiers. (2011) [DOI: 10.26180/5ceb3fbba477f] [animated score] [recording] [Buy CD]
Empire. For shoe throwers, Theremins and electronics (2010) [DOI:10.26180/5cecb53c880b3] [recording]
Wolf at Harp. For 4 drum kits (indie rock, jazz, death metal and classical percussion). (2010) [DOI: 10.26180/5cecb6e087e63] [animated score] [recording]
In the Cut. For violin, cello, bass clarinet, bass guitar, turntable and subtone. (2009) [DOI:10.26180/5cecb784c267e] [animated score] [recording] [Buy CD]
Abe Sada Song Book Vol 1 (2006-2009). For multiple bass instruments. (2009)[DOI: 10.26180/5cecb91269e41]
Wolf at Harp
Never At Sea. For solo bass guitar and bass orchestra. (2022).
The Low Tone Orchestra: 9 Options. For any number of instruments playing below 200Hz.(2022) [recording] [live performance] [score sample]
Lampi. For piano soloist, low strings, low winds, low brass, percussion, harp, accordian, electronics (fixed) and a.m. radios. [DOI:10.26180/14956227 ] [recording]
Submerged in the Greater Will. For 2 cellos, choir and subtone. (2019). [DOI:10.26180/5f21632b82ef6] [animated score] [recording]
Speechless. Opera for four soloists, community choirs and bass orchestra. (2017-19) [DOI: 10.26180/5c591dc038001] [animated score] [video]
The Post Truth Pleasure Garden. For 2 voices, 2 low winds, 2 low strings, electric guitar, electric bass and electronics. (2018) [DOI:10.26180/5cedbbfd3c0c5] [animated score] [live performance video]
Pure. For string orchestra, percussion and subtone. (2014-2016) [DOI:/5cedbd5c39d9d] [animated score] [recording]
Bravo Compound. For Laptop Orchestra. (2015) [DOI: 10.26180/5cedbeb731bd8] [animated score]
her pockets full of inertia. For solo bass flute and flute choir. (2014) [DOI:10.26180/5cedc3203741b] [animated score] [recording] [music video] [Buy CD]
The Moment of Disappearance. For mixed orchestra, guitars and percussion. (2013) [DOI: 10.26180/5cedc42de41be] [animated score] [recording]
Black Emperor. For 2 organs and orchestra. (2012) [DOI: 10.26180/5cedc5bcbf0b4] [animated score] [recording]
her pockets are full of inertia
The Rupture Exists. for 6 instruments and subtone. (2020) [DOI:10.26180/5f741b3e4c4c6] [animated score] [binaural recording]
Musk. For large ensemble of any instruments (2019) [DOI:10.26180/5e28d9758c502] [video of premiere performance]
Wanderlust. For solo or duo and self made field recording (2018).[DOI:10.26180/5d7b0ce417bb5] [animated score] [recording/CD release]
Majority of One. For sustaining trio of instruments and electronic feedback. (2016) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdc7e06b2575] [animated score] [live performance] [buy CD/digital copy]
Marking time. For trio of sustaining instruments. (2016) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdcd1931116d] [animated score] [recording] [buy CD]
Erst. For 5 instruments, synthesiser and spatialisation. (2015) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdde7b3ba992] [animated score] [recording] [live performance]
The End of Abe Sada. For bass orchestra. (2014) [animated score] [recording] [video of performance]
Chrome Arrow. For four sustaining instruments or laptop orchestra. (2014) [DOI: 10.26180/5cddea8520269] [animated score] [recording]
Liminum. For any number of instruments and electronic effects. (2012) [DOI:10.26180/5ceb3e8125ae6] [animated score] [recording]
The Talking Board (co-written with Lindsay Vickery). [2012]. For 1-6 players and electronics. (2011) [DOI:10.26180/5ceb41e023365] [animated score]
Longing. For 5 sustaining instruments. (2011) [DOI: 10.26180/5ceb453361978] [animated score] [recording] [Buy LP]
The Possible Stories of Harry Power. For three instruments, laptop, AM radio and MaxMSP. (2010) [DOI:10.26180/5cecb63571874 ] [recording]
Kingdom Come. For 2 electronic performers. (2008) [DOI: 10.26180/5cdb6fa9dbca7] [animated score] [recording]
Shadow of Mill, 2nd movement.
7 Options. Fixed media featuring the Low Tone Orchestra and members of Decibel Commissioned by This Sonic Life. (2024)
The Choir of Dark Water. Feat. Decibel and the Low Tone Orchetra. The Journal of the Outernatoinal, Alienocene, France. For voices and electronics (2019).
Pulupe Strings. Sweet Tribology, Paris, France. For LP playback. (2015)
Submerged in the Greater Will
Dream Child Part I; Dream Child Part II; Their Lives in Single File, Dark Water Thessolonians, Accident Music Part I, II (2021) Short films Dir. Ross Gibson. Australian Centre for Moving Image, VIC; Museum Contemporary Art, NSW.
Dark Water 15 min. Dir. Erin Coates and Anna Nazzari. Linden Gallery, Adelaide Festival (2019) [more]
(aka The Low Tone Orchestra) The Low Tide. 8min. Dir Matt Warren. UnTV, The Unconformity, Tasmania (2020)
Blight 13 min. Dir. Peron Bonser, St Kilda Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival. (2017) [more]
Cetaphobia 12 min. Dir. Erin Coates and Anna Nazzari. Revelation Film Festival, Paris Short Film Festival, 2015 Horror Hotel Award. (2015) [DOI: 10.26180/5c5d96f3124a8] [film]
Art Calls series Dir. Tracey Moffatt. GOMA, Brisbane, Perth International Art Festival, PICA, Perth and ABC Arts Online. (2014) [more]
Paradise Falls I Dir. Kate McMillan. Venn Gallery, Perth, WA. (2012) 2’49” [watch]
Paradise Falls II Dir. Kate McMillan. Venn Gallery, Perth, WA. (2012) 3’28” [watch]
The Making of The Moment of Disappearance. Dir. Cat Hope. Haynes St Studios. London. (2014) [watch]
We Have Become Kin, for piano, dancer and subtone (2019)[DOI:10.26180/5e2ac844a6413] [animated score]
Delay Taints, for cello, dancer and subtone (2018) [DOI: 10.26180/5e2ac844a6413] 15’ [performance video] and 2’ [performance video] versions